I had so much fun creating these unique wine charms. I saw this idea in a magazine a few years ago. They used plastic buttons and hoop earrings. I knew I had TONS of shell buttons given to me by my Granny that where collected by my Paw Paw for years. I decided to also include beautiful glass beads. I had a little difficulty locating the silver hoops, even when we had more than the average amount of craft store in the area. I ended up finding them on e-bay. http://www.ebay.com/itm/100-Silver-Plated-25mm-Earwire-Hoops-Wine-Charm-Rings-/180654440245?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2a0fd7ff35. They were very affordable and I could make tons with one order.
I decided to make sets of 6 to 8. I paired the button color with the similar bead color. I love the way the came out. Every guest will easily be able to keep up with their own glass. You could of course mix up the colors or add more or less.
These make wonderful hostess, birthday, teacher, or just because gifts! I would love to see photos of any that you create.
Hey - it is Julie from Nolbaby - I saw your comment about the bumblebee tshirt and could not figure out how to email so I am posting a comment instead - the shirt was something I found after an EXTENSIVE search - who would have thought it would be so tricky - it was a Children's Place shirt that I got used. I will check and see if I still have it- I usually hand everything down quickly as closet space is a premium. If I have it I will let you know!
Oh Julie thank you so much for your response!! That is so sweet. I actually had a bit of luck myself. I had purchased a large bag of boys clothing from a friend with 2 boys. After searching and searching the internet and stores I just happened to go throught the bag to see what winter items where in there. Can you believe there was a yellow and black stripe ralph laren long sleeve in the bag. I think a laughed out loud! I just FINALLY found the boots for my daughter and ordered them today. So i have everything now. I made a fun cape and eye mask for my son. ( Bumblebee boy wears them in the new "Adventures of Bumblebee Boy" book that came out last week. I will be sure to post some photos on my blog when they get everything on!
Thanks again for all you help! You have beautiful babies!
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