Welcome to my blog!
This is something that I have wanted to do forEVER but never had the time; that is until now. I have been extremely busy for the past 7 years...finishing college, being married to a traveling husband, having two children, working, moving, moving again, owning my own business, and daily life. You know, not TOO much. I have been saving ideas, recipes, photos, and thoughts for years. Now, I would like to start sharing those things that makes me happy.
The first thing that makes me happy is my wonderful family. I have a terrific and supportive husband, Allan. He is the best daddy to our children and I love him more everyday. We have two beautiful children. Sophia is 6, and Preston is 3. I love them more than anything in the world. They bring me such joy. We live in small town USA now. I joke our cities keep getting smaller. We started in Miami FL, moved to Newnan GA, then Jackson, TN, and finally (for now) small Medina TN. After growing up in VERY small Mountain View AR, it feels like we are getting closer to home. We enjoyed designing and building our house here last year. I will be sharing many "happies" as we make this house a home together.
For those of you that have known me most of my life you know I have a love of food; well, more like a passion. I started that love in my Granny's kitchen at a young age. She has always been an inspiration to me, particularly in the kitchen. She learned from the best, her mother my Granny "B". She let me really "cook". She allowed me to get my hands in it and learn the techniques of cooking. Usually good ole' southern food, especially desserts. That is also where my sweet tooth was born.
From her kitchen I moved to her backyard, where I created masterpiece culinary creations everyday after school. I had the best looking mud pies you have ever seen. One has even been published in a cookbook (Thanks Stacy). That lasted until I was about 10 or 11. I came home one day and it all was gone. She said I was to old for mud pies anymore. She still let me use her kitchen, though. When I am stressed, upset, happy, or excited the first thing I think of is .."what can I make?" In this blog you will get to experience the foods that make me happy, no matter what mood I am in.
Another thing that makes me happy, for the last 6 years, is my new found "crafty side". I have never been able to draw or paint. After having my first child, Sophia, I started dabbling in hair bows with my friend, Susan. Well, that turned into such a stress relieving hobby for me. Before I knew it other friends wanted bows too.
When I moved to TN, in 2008, I met my dear friend, Rhonda. She is much more talented than me in the "Crafty" department, especially sewing. She helped me buy my first sewing/embroidery machine. Before we knew it we had a booming little business started. The last 2 years we have enjoyed having home shows and designing children's clothing and gifts. I have decided this fall not to sew for the masses, for now. I want to spend some much needed time with my wonderful family and on myself. And yes, finally blog a little about my life.
I hope you enjoy all my happy moments with me.